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Our ideology consists of three key commitments that are close to our hearts, these are:
a. Respecting people
b. Promoting sustainability
c. Giving back to our society
a. Respecting people
b. Promoting sustainability
c. Giving back to our society
As a business we are focused on achieving commercial success and professional goodwill, but we also understand Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) towards our society. For this we have founded Smt. Sitadevi Satyanarayan Kabra Charity Foundation.
Madhusudan Marble has implemented a programme of initiatives to provide professional, charitable and communal support. We believe that when local businesses get together and work with schools, charities and community groups in their area, they profit in the evolvement of better ideas and a healthier society.
Apart from this, our support is provided to different areas like Education Sector, Medical Sector, Animal Welfare Sector etc. We have also added some norms in our CSR to provide support aid to Widow, Single Parent and Elderly People.
We endeavor to minimize the impact our business has on the environment both locally and globally.